Summer Showers on the Beach

Rainy Day Activities Near 30A

When you stay at Adagio on 30A you have access to not only all that 30A has to offer but also the surrounding areas including Destin and Panama City Beach. This is super helpful when it rains because both areas offer something exciting that can serve as rainy day activities near 30A. Summer showers are very common, and sometimes they can take up an entire afternoon during your stay. Instead of staying indoors, venture out and discover something new! We have listed some of the most popular rainy day activities near 30A below.

Silver Sands Outlet Mall

One of the first things that come to mind when you think about what to do when it rains is go shopping. Lucky for you, you aren’t too far from the Silver Sands Outlet Mall. You will find designer brands such as Fossil, Kate Spade, and Coach. There are also stores you know and love such as Gap, J. Crew, and Nike. Find a souvenir for you and the kids to take home. Or if you are traveling soon, gear up on all things back to school!

Rainy Day Activities Near 30A

Gulf World Marine Park

This Panama City Beach activity is one the whole family will love! Use it as an educational experience to learn more about the wildlife that inhabits the Gulf of Mexico, or go just for fun and check out the different shows they offer. They even provide guests with the opportunity to swim with dolphins! Visit Gulf World Marine Park and you are guaranteed a fun afternoon!

Ripley’s Believe It or Not

Panama City Beach is also home to the famous, Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum! Spend the afternoon watching your kids oooh and aww over the many different attractions. A mirror maze, laser race, and more provide exciting adventure in Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum. Explore the weird at this interactive adventure in Panama City Beach.


WonderWorks is another one of the rainy day activities near 30A that your kids will love! Indoor ropes course, laser tag arena, and space fury are just a few of the interactive games you will find here. This 35,000 square feet indoor amusement park is perfect for the days it rains during your stay. Upon arrival, you might be surprised to see the building is upside down…be sure to visit so you can learn the story of how it came to our area.